One Day Closer……..

One Day Closer……..

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book beforeone of them came to be.”Psalm 139:16

Many people as they start a New Year take time to make new year’s resolutions. It is amusing that many such resolutions are couched with the phrase “I’ll try…..!!!”. That phrase is a recipe for failure. As soon as the pain or discomfort of the resolution sets in, many individuals simply give up. It is surprising how seldom you hear any resolution put in the terms of “I commit to do……”.  


When you come to that point in life where reality sets in and you realize that your days are, in fact, numbered, then the needed “commitment” for a resolution becomes exceedingly important. As I look forward to start the new year of 2011 and as I have more keenly realized the truth of Psalm 139: 16, an appropriate resolution for my life is found in a song written by P.P. Bliss in the early 1900’s. It is titled “My Prayer”.

  “More holiness give me,More striving within;More patience in suff’ring,More sorrow for sin;More faith in my Savior, More sense of His care;More joy in His service,More purpose in prayer. More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord; More pride in His glory, More hope in His word;More tears for His sorrows,More pain at His grief;More meekness in trial,More praise for relief. More purity give me, More strength to o’ercome;More freedom from earthstain, More longing for home;More fit for the kingdom,More used would I be;More blessed and holy, More, Savior, like Thee.” 

May this song be a blessing to you and also your resolution throughout this new year of 2011.


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